Lesbian Gay and Bisexual sexual health information
Gay men, lesbians and bisexual (LGB) people have the same health needs as straight people. If you’re gay, lesbian or bisexual, by being aware of your health risks and having relevant health checks, you can stay healthy and reduce your risk of illness.
However, research shows that people with same-sex partners may have a higher risk of contracting certain conditions, for instance lesbians may have a higher risk of breast cancer and gay men are at higher risk of HIV.
Gay men, lesbian women and bisexual people may also be less likely to take advantage of screening and other health checks so health problems are not picked up as early as they could be.
The NHS website has sexual health information and advice for lesbian and bisexual women and for gay and bisexual men
To find a local service by using the how can we help you today? Search options on the home page.
Trans* Sexual health Information
You can also find Information on sexual health for Trans men and trans women is also available from the Terrence Higgins Trust.
Information on sexualised drug use ‘Chem Sex’
If you are using drugs whilst having sex, known as ‘Chem Sex’, it’s important to consider your sexual health. There is a dedicated website for gay and bisexual men who want more information or support on sexualised drug use called Friday – Monday. This website is provided by the Terrence Higgins Trust.
You can also view the Think Drink Drugs website – a dedicated website on drug and Alcohol for East Sussex.